Monday, January 01, 2007


We rang in the new year watching L scale a 41 foot rock climbing wall like spider woman. She is proud of the bruises on her knees and can't wait to do it again. I didn't panic once during her climb (compared to the rock climbing camp she took this summer when I sat outside waiting to breathe for four hours a day) and was truely excited when she made it to the top of the wall - not because she over came her condition, but because she has been working on this goal for 6 months!

There was a cranky woman (it was kids climb, first come first serve) who thought L was getting more instruction then her kids, so I had L test right next to her. It was more for the shock factor than anything and also to get L to come off the wall and give her kids a chance to climb. Okay - it was mainly for the shock factor. She left shortly after, so it must have worked!

We havn't been on much of a schedule this holiday, and L's numbers have been less than stable. Bounce-a-rama...We ranged from 62 to 278 today. Go figure. She told me she had a dream that her number was over 1,000 and she was forced to go on a pump. She said it was really scary and old and she didn't want to do it. I didn't realise how afraid she is of the pending end to her honeymoon.

1 comment:

Molly said...

Hi. It's Molly from Dam Diabetes. I would be happy to answer any questions about my service dog, Dixie. There is an article at the organization where I got her at this website:

Feel free to email me at with questions.
