Friday, August 04, 2006


This is a book that Lili wrote the day she came home from the hospital

tipe one Dieabeetiz
by Liliana

I have dieabeetez. Me, Liliana Morrisey. Well, if you have tipe one you may have to take 5 finger pocks a day jest like me.

Here is another cind of shot. Its a insulin shot. A Inslin shot is wer your body is not working vary well and its not macing enof inslin.

And if your body is not making enof inslin, you may have to take a inclin shot2 times a day like me.

Dieabeetiz is avary seryis becus I had to go to the hosbitl.

The end

1 comment:

Lala said...

Hey guys! it's me, alice!
I just want you to know I think about you always and I think lili is the coolest, most amazing kid i know. she's done so much in so little time! with the support of a great family, of couse.
miss you everyday.